This app has a lot of potential. Sure it crashes, but not enough for me to care. I am now living in Japan, and i spent an hour after downloading the app playing with different kanji characters. It doesnt always give you the right kanji at first, but usually the right one is in the list of given possibilities.
The app doesnt like characters that have a black border, and a lighter color inside, commonly used on lightup signs. Which is a little troublesome if you want to know what a store is, but you can always wrote the kanji down and photograph that.
Added improvements could be. Instead of a fixed square box, giving the user the ability to resize the box around the kanji to remove small bits of neighboring kanji would go a long way in making the detection better. Also, not throwing away the image afterwards. Itd be great to take a picture of a sequence of Kanji and then being about to one after another scroll through it to read them all. It was frustrating to have to retake pictures along the same sign. Being able to zoom in just a little bit more.
I gave the app 4 stars because I do see it as being useful. If they can stabilize the app so it doesnt crash, and off the ability to not have to retake pictures, Id pay money for the app. This will be very useful at the grocery store.
thenetimp about Lost in Japan